Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Statue Hysteria, or is it?

By Donald A. Loucks, TEM
28 June, 2020

One may wonder why it is that after many decades, and sometimes over a century,
there is a sudden interest in being offended at statuary and monuments. Is it the
video recording of the brutal death of a man in police custody? Or is it political

The image of a Black Lives Matter (BLM) employee demanding that a white
woman kneel before him and apologize for her “white privilege” is galling, both
for the demand of the Marxist BLM thug and especially for the woman who
actually acquiesced to the absurd demand. It would be no different for a White man
to do the same to a Black. Appalling.

There is much more to these “riots” than we have seen. What if there is proof they
had been planned for years? The “sleeper cell” method has been described in
previous columns. New undercover videos expose the depth to which our society
has been penetrated by these subversive groups.

The indoctrination of middle school children in some Minneapolis neighborhoods
has been clearly documented, as well as U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar being
present at a riot scene.

The children are used as cannon fodder for organizers who set up plans for riots far
in advance.

The Minneapolis riots are a perfect example. Everything was in place, ready for a
precipitating event to occur that would “justify” unrest. Then the plan was
implemented. The documentary is very disturbing. The riots are bad enough, but to
learn about the calculated method of subversion should be terrifying.

The school children mentioned were trained to be arrested by police in order to
overload law enforcement to the point where there would be fewer officers
available to prevent mayhem.

There have been many to jump on the BLM bandwagon, even here in Bastrop
County. A favorite tool of the Left is to stir up emotions where none have existed
before. Suddenly, the Civil War Memorials on Courthouse Square have become
offensive to the opportunists. Especially to those who are ignorant of history.

Confederate Memorials have been displayed and revered for many, many decades
as a means of remembering history and those who sacrificed their lives on BOTH
sides. To characterize the Confederate soldiers and civilians who died during the
civil war as somehow being evil is a travesty. This was not a foreign war.
Everyone fought and died on American soil.

Those who desecrate Confederate graves are doing so to American Veterans’
graves as decided by an act of Congress. So, unless you have the votes to reverse
that, be careful of what is destroyed.

It would be nearly comical to see the monuments to U.S. Grant, an abolitionist and
other pre-Civil War American figures come under attack. But it is indicative of the
real thrust of the fake indignity movement.

The real goal is to erase all history. Does that sound preposterous? That is exactly
what the Communists and the Nazis attempted to do. Book burnings and purges,
and the placement of dictators’ images in churches all happened. What the Leftists
in this country are attempting is little different than that. If they were serious about
the Confederate monuments, why do they not differentiate between those and all
the others they are destroying?

When are the mobs appeased? The answer is never.

So, perhaps our Commissioners Court should short-circuit the issue of removing a
hunk of granite.

Put the issue of removing or not removing the monument on the November ballot
as a referendum for the voters to decide. That way everyone will have the
opportunity to be unhappy and the court will be off the hook.

[Millie Weaver report:]