By Donald A. Loucks, TEM
Submitted 27 October, 2019
We worry and fret over the origins and amounts of campaign contributions in our elections. There seems to be a logical connection between who makes a contribution to a certain candidate as an indicator to the candidate’s likely voting proclivity once the candidate becomes an officeholder.
Most recently in Texas, the attention was paid to Speaker Dennis Bonnen’s apparent quid pro quo offering in a recorded conversation earlier this year. Bonnen’s self-created public relations disaster essentially forced him to declare that he would not run for re-election.
But all is okay, he has over $3 million available from his “Texas Leads” PAC to ensure that Bonnen clone candidates win state representative offices and that his selectee becomes the next speaker.
Sadly, there is another political kabuki theater playing in selected state theaters near you. That is, the financing of leftist candidates for states attorney’s general and district attorneys.
What is the importance for these elections? The enforcement of law.
Time and time again we have seen leftist, Democrat-appointed federal judges sought out by Democrats to rule in frivolous lawsuits against the Trump Administration, thus hobbling and delaying the implementation of Executive Branch polices. One example of these impediments is the hampering of border control measures. This is an abuse of the Judicial Branch.
But there is another way to subvert state law, federal law, and the US Constitution. There is a saying that “failing to enforce the law is worse than having no law at all” because it generates disrespect for all law. What if our state attorneys-general and our local district attorneys deliberately failed to prosecute cases that were clearly indictable and winnable at trial? That would wreak havoc in our country because no-one could trust the judicial system. That means no-one could trust being protected under the law.
That is anarchy.
Who would want to do that to America?
George Soros put hundreds of thousands of dollars into to Virginia prosecutor Democrat Primaries to replace current Democrats that were not left enough. Soros PAC-backed candidates won their primaries in Arlington and Fairfax by vastly outspending their less radical opponents.
Marina Medvin wrote in Townhall: “The result of hand-picking prosecutors is the most direct way of effectuating change. Prosecutors choose who to prosecute, which crimes to prosecute.
She is exactly right.
All the while Members of Congress are scrutinized to the nth degree, Soros and other Leftists are doing an end run around those stodgy Congressmen and the tedious process of getting legislation passed. Think about that for a moment.
What should one think if our Texas Rangers investigated what they knew was a crime, but the District Attorney refused to present it to a grand jury? It may indeed be the DA’s prerogative, but a valid case brought to a DA should more than likely at least be considered by a grand jury.
Soros’ other goals are to rigorously enforce questionable, subjective crimes such as “hate laws”. This might strike one as prosecuting a thought. How is that possible?
Americans and Texans must be ever-vigilant to guard against the sinister forces moving money around to undermine the rule of law, and in the Texas House, the corruption of the legislative process.