Donald A Loucks, TEM
Former Bastrop County Commissioner
Below is the text of my speech from the court held Monday, June 22, 2020:
Good morning, Members, Director.
I am Donald A Loucks. I lived in Cedar Creek since 1992.
We have all seen the horrific riots, arson, beatings and killings in the news, nearly all of which have taken place in Democrat-controlled cities, counties and states.
It has been reported that this was sparked by the killing of a man in police custody. I saw the horrific videos. I sincerely hope that those four officers get a fair trial and, if convicted are punished appropriately.
Is that a valid reason to riot and destroy?
Why is it that this lawlessness has suddenly popped up?
What difference is there between the pulling down and desecrating statues off our country’s founders’ to the Taliban blowing centuries-old Buddhist statues carved from a mountainside to bits?
After extensive training in strategy and tactics as an Air Force Officer, Fighter Pilot and Test Pilot; additionally, I was also trained as an intelligence officer.
After studying open-source reports, it is my calculated and inescapable conclusion that this insurrection has been planned for some time.
Secret sleeper/training cells have been known to exist for decades, not just Antifa, but also radical Islamist groups which allied with Antifa.
After all, they have the same goal: The downfall of the United States.
Such organized disturbances require LOTS of money.
The use of “sleeper cells” is the clandestine method of leaderless organization for insurrection, it is also characterized as asymmetric warfare. That forces a disproportionately large amount of resources to be expended in defense against said insurrection.
Look at what the rioters – insurrectionists, really – have expended in proportion to the seemingly hapless authorities, and you will begin to understand what we face.
These techniques were first quantified by the Soviet Communists around 1928. As pertaining to the goal of destroying the United States, they saw that the best option was pitting one group against another. Here, that is White verses Black.
As we have seen, that has been extremely successful.
Anarchists thrive in lawlessness. Watching no action being taken to protect lives and property in beautiful cities like Seattle sickened me; not just for the damage and livelihoods destroyed, but for the destruction of the TRUST in the people who were selected to keep law and order.
And now the cry to disband the police. Asinine!
It is now remarkable how local amateurs will jump onto the attention bandwagon to demand we destroy historical monuments at our courthouse for their fifteen seconds of fame.
But remember, those responsible for law and order will be held responsible by the people should they fail.
I pray you will not fail.